Taylor Slayton

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Taylor Slayton

Equity Benchmarking – Why It Matters, and What Position is Best for You

Equity Benchmarking

While several factors influence the structure and scope of equity plans, benchmarking stands out as a pivotal tool to gauge your position in the industry relative to peers. It offers a strategic lens through which you can evaluate where your organization stands vis-a-vis industry counterparts. In a landscape where businesses increasingly vie for the best…

How Often Should Private Companies Review Their Equity Compensation Plans?

How Often Should Private Companies Review Their Equity Plans

Equity compensation plans play a significant role in attracting, retaining, and motivating key employees and executives in both public and private companies.  But while public companies often have the practice of an annual refresh and an evergreen provision, private companies find themselves navigating a different terrain. A common question arises for these companies: “How often…