
We’ve curated a number of articles and case studies that can provide insight into the challenges and opportunities our industry often faces. These dynamic resources will be updated regularly so be sure to check in.

PVP Portal

Pay versus Performance (PVP) Portal

Pay versus Performance (PVP) This free resource will help you navigate equity program guidelines to...
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Total Shareholder Return Programs (TSR) Portal

Relative Total Shareholder Return Programs (TSR) Total shareholder return (TSR) compared against a group of...

Volume Weighted Average Prices (VWAPs) Portal

Volume Weighted Average Prices (VWAPs) Infinite Equity is committed to bringing the most innovative and...

ESPP Portal

Employee Stock Purchase Plans (ESPP) Employee stock purchase plans (ESPPs) continue to increase in prevalence...
NASPP Advisor

How to Make Sense of Pay vs. Performance Data

PvP data can be leveraged to assess whether executive compensation exceeds the market and how...

Creating ESPP Engagement All Year: Multi-Channel, Year-Round Communication

Until recently, employees often heard about ESPP benefits from their employers once or twice a...

How Your HR Team Can Improve An Equity Compensation Communication Strategy

Developments in technology have facilitated an easier path to reach participants and educate them on...
5 Ways Poor Communication is Hurting Your Equity Compensation Programs

5 Ways Poor Communication is Hurting Your Equity Compensation Programs

Research has shown that when an organization lacks a solid equity compensation communication strategy, equity programs...

The Issuer’s Guide to Cashless Participation

Cashless Participation 101 Maybe you’ve seen Cashless Participation mentioned in a LinkedIn post, perhaps you’ve...

Counting the Costs and Balancing the Benefits

Financial Engineering for ESPPs. Fidelity Investments and Infinite Equity teamed up to explore how ESPP...

The Forgotten Participant: Nonqualified ESPPs for Your Essential Workers

Background and Current Market Environment The COVID-19 pandemic has placed compensation and benefits front and...
Auto-Cancel Options

Auto-Cancel Options

Options that cancel automatically upon a pre-determined price drop can save companies from the challenges...
Indexed Stock Options

Indexed Stock Options

Time-based stock options are a main-stay of executive compensation, but with a few recent developments...
The Case for an ESPP at IPO

The Case for an ESPP at IPO Guide

Pre-IPO is a unique and exciting time in the lifecycle of a company, and with...
Accounting for Performance Awards

Accounting for Performance Awards

As more and more companies grant performance equity, understanding the valuation and accounting impacts of...
Retirement Eligible Employees and _Implicit_ Holding Periods

Retirement Eligible Employees and “Implicit” Holding Periods

Employees with equity awards are often vested (for accounting purposes) as soon as they become...