Geoff Hammel

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Geoff Hammel

Global Tax Withholding for Employee Equity Awards: Practical Solutions to the Not-So-Practical Regulatory Challenges

Global Tax Withholding for Employee Equity Awards

Employee equity awards are a popular way for multinational companies to reward and retain their workforce. However, the technical and administrative complexities of global tax withholding can be daunting. In this article, we will explore some practical solutions to navigate these requirements. Understanding The Challenges Before we dive into the solutions, let’s first understand the…

Building a Global ESPP: Key Considerations for Success

Building a Global ESPP

Expanding your Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP) to a global audience can unlock the doors to a new world of possibilities, such as: These are just a few of the potential rewards. While international considerations always come with unique nuances, careful planning and a tailored approach can help you reap the benefits of a global…

Navigating Global RSU and Option Plans: Key Considerations and Strategies

Navigating Global RSU and Option Plans

Global stock option and Restricted Stock Unit (RSU) programs have become essential tools in equity compensation, especially if you’re a company with an international presence. These programs are a powerful way to engage your employees and offer them significant opportunities for growth, but they do come with some complexity. Below, we share some strategies to…

Glass Lewis Takes Aim at Executive Stock Ownership for 2024

Glass Lewis Takes Aim at Executive Stock Ownership for 2024

Public companies, take note – Glass Lewis has executive stock ownership guidelines firmly in their sights for the 2024 proxy season. Recently updated commentary makes clear that robust holding requirements are now a prime governance priority. Let’s break this down… The 2024 U.S. Benchmark Policy Guidelines specifically directs companies to implement and disclose minimum stock…

Unlocking the Secrets of Stock Ownership Guidelines: 5 Must-Know Tips for Public Company Executives

Unlocking the Secrets of Stock Ownership Guidelines

Stock ownership guidelines (SOGs) are a crucial part of corporate governance for public companies. These guidelines outline the minimum amount of stock executives and directors are required to own to align their interests with those of shareholders.  While proxy advisors and regulators do not mandate a universal SOG design or administrative approach, leading practices have…