Jon Burg

Team: Leadership

Job Title: Jon Burg

Bio: Jon is a Partner and practice leader at Infinite Equity. Jon has a passion for equity compensation with over 20 years of experience guiding companies from initial idea to full execution with the ability to maximize the value of the programs offered. Jon leverages an extensive actuarial background to apply an added rigor and discipline to the design, valuation, and implementation of employee equity compensation programs. Jon previously held roles leading global equity compensation teams and recently served as the Vice Chairman of the Global Equity Organization’s (GEO) Board of Directors. Jon has a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Economics from University of Washington, is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries, and is a certified equity professional. He is based in San Francisco.

Recent Posts By

Jon Burg

Pave + Infinite Equity: Partnering to Drive Clarity Around Equity Benchmarks 


For companies who are just starting to create formal compensation policies, having robust data to support those decisions is incredibly important. Without it, guesswork and bias can lead to poor decisions and eliminate trust with employees. If you have never run an equity program, there’s a lot to learn. From deciding how much equity you…

Employee Equity Pools: What are They & Why Do They Matter?


The equity incentive pool is a key way for early-stage companies to reward their talent. As a company grows, it’s crucial that the equity pool grows simultaneously, and that the equity plan strategy adapts to allow a company to scale to its full potential. We’ll take a closer look at why the equity pool matters…

Giving Equity: Considerations for Early-Stage Companies


Early-stage companies face a few unique challenges when it comes to offering equity. While it’s a powerful tool for attracting the right investors and employees, offering equity compensation also comes with dilution concerns, complexity, and required resources. We highlight some of the things early-stage companies should be aware of when implementing these types of programs.…

ESPP Valuation – 4 Missing Pieces


You may be overvaluing your ESPP expense. Current Market Practice ESPPs are valued based on their plan design features, which frequently results in multiple components to estimate the fair value. The accounting requirements under ASC Topic 718 point to guidance from FTB 97-1: Accounting under Statement 123 for Certain Employee Stock Purchase Plans with a…

“Cadillac” ESPP Considerations: What You Need to Know Before Adopting


Balance this exceptional employee benefit with compliance and administrative ease. Introduction Employee Stock Purchase Plans (ESPPs) are common among public companies, and it is easy to see why. On the participant side, ESPPs allow a large population of employees to build wealth through the purchase of company stock, typically at a discount to the market…

The Case for an ESPP at IPO


A unique opportunity to ensure an ongoing ownership culture. 2021 has been a banner year for IPOs, and particularly for companies going public via a special-purpose acquisition company (“SPAC”). Expectations were high coming into the year, as companies prolonged the decision to go public during the pandemic, but have dramatically bounced back. This, coupled with…

Compliance Requirements for Changes to Volatility Methodologies


VWAP Volatility Infinite Equity is introducing innovative new thought leadership on the financial theory around determining historical volatility for purposes of ASC718. Introduced in the Research Brief, A New Way to Estimate Volatility, and published collectively at In this article, we provide guidance for companies who decide to change their methodology to VWAP volatility. …

Comparing Volatility Methods


Traditional historical vs. VWAP volatility Infinite Equity is introducing innovative new thought leadership on the financial theory around determining historical volatility for purposes of ASC718. Introduced in the Research Brief, A New Way to Estimate Historical Volatility, and published collectively at, the intent of this Research Brief is to compare actual historical volatility calculations…

Auto-Cancel Options

Auto-Cancel Options

Options that cancel automatically upon a pre-determined price drop can save companies from the challenges of deeply underwater options.

Indexed Stock Options

Indexed Stock Options

Time-based stock options are a main-stay of executive compensation, but with a few recent developments and uncertainty about the future, now is the right time to give Indexed options another look.